Labor Cost Dashboard

Unlock the Power of Precision

Our powerful feature breaks down labor costs into granular segments, enabling precise analysis and informed decision-making.
Unlock the Power of Precision
Real Time Insights
Real-Time, Everyday Updates
Compiles and analyzes data from different clients and warehouses, giving you a complete view of your labor costs.
Key Components
of the Labor Cost Dashboard
Overview Widget

Get an instant snapshot of average labor costs and operational times, broken down by tasks such as shipping, picking, and packing.

Orders and Cost per Client

Analyze total shipments and associated costs across different clients to identify partnerships that require more resources.

Warehouse Performance

Evaluate the efficiency of your warehouses with insights into total orders, average cost per order, and average time per order across all locations.


Stay ahead with daily insights on your top shipping clients, cost-per-shipment variations, and productivity benchmarks.

Make quick, data-driven decisions to leverage opportunities and mitigate risks.
The Power of
Data-Driven Decision Making

Optimize Efficiency

Identify inefficiencies in labor deployment and take corrective actions to enhance productivity.
Simple and transparent pricing.
Maximize Profitability
Make informed decisions about client and warehouse operations based on comprehensive cost analysis.
Stress-free shipping.
Strategize with Confidence
Leverage detailed data on labor costs to formulate strategies that drive long-term success.
Optimize Efficiency

Identify inefficiencies in labor deployment and take corrective actions to enhance productivity.

Maximize Profitability

Make informed decisions about client and warehouse operations based on comprehensive cost analysis.

Strategize with Confidence

Leverage detailed data on labor costs to formulate strategies that drive long-term success.